Thank you for  engaging in this ministry of encouragement as a judge or ambassador for our LTC participants! 


  • These online training videos are only applicable to the following convention events: Drama, Puppets, Chorus, Bible Reading, Public speaking, Song Leading, Sign Language and Display Events.
  • IMPORTANT: Even if you have been thru judges training before, it is important that you view the entire videos for two reasons:
    • Some things might change from year to year
    • It is good to have the memory refreshed
  • All judges will view a minimum of two videos.
    • All judges are to view video #1, which is applicable to all judges.
    • Afterward, judges will view event specific videos that corresponds to the event(s) they will be judging
  • All Ambassadors will review one two page document, link below.
  • You can find the training videos below.
  • Once you’ve completed the training videos or viewed the Ambassador training document,  please fill out the: Judge and Ambassador Training completion confirmation


Ambassador training document:

Link to Ambassador training document PDF


Judges Training Videos

Part one (required for all judges)


Event Specific Training Videos



Once again, thank you for volunteering to engage in this ministry of encouragement as a judge for our LTC participants!